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Influencer Agreement

By signing up as an Influencer, you accept this Policy as well as CLIXPIN’s Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions, and Cookies Policy (collectively referred to as "our Policies").

CLIXPIN is a marketplace made up of individual third-party sellers who run their own shops, create their own policies, and are responsible for their inventory, shipments, and compliance with the law. CLIXPIN does not manufacture goods, hold inventory, or ship items on behalf of our sellers. The content uploaded on CLIXPIN’s marketplace is generated by independent sellers who are not employees, agents, or representatives of CLIXPIN.


  1. Influencer Basics
  1. Fees and Taxes
  1. Disclosure Rules
  1. Actions on Influencer Account
  1. Privacy
You are responsible for protecting the personal information of customers that you receive or process, and you must comply with all relevant legal requirements, including applicable data protection and privacy laws that govern the ways in which you can use user information.
Any information that you receive from buyers or sellers resulting from transactions conducted through CLIXPIN may only be used for CLIXPIN-related communications or transactions.
You may not use this information for unsolicited commercial messages, unauthorized transactions, or transactions through third parties outside of CLIXPIN's platform.
You may not add any buyers or sellers to other email or physical mailing lists except with their express consent. If you disclose personal information without the buyer or seller's proper consent, you are responsible for that unauthorized disclosure.


CLIXPIN is a marketplace for goods and services. As an Influencer, you may register with CLIXPIN to connect with Sellers who may choose to use your services to promote and sell their own goods and services. You will only receive a transaction fee after a Seller has agreed to let you promote and sell their products or services, and after the product or service has been sold.

To register as an Influencer, you must comply with the following:

(1) Have an active Merchant Registration Certificate (issued through https://suri.hacienda.pr.gov/_/)

(2) Have a minimum of 2000 followers on at least one of the major social media platforms (Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, Snapchat)

(3) Maintain all permits, licenses, and registrations required by law or regulation.

(i) For each product or service promoted by the Influencer and purchased by a customer, the Influencer shall receive a transaction fee of twenty-five percent (25%) of CLIXPIN’s Gross Earnings for the sale of the product or service.

(ii) As required by the Puerto Rico Internal Revenue Code, CLIXPIN will deduct and withhold ten percent (10%) of the total transaction fee payable to the Influencer as payment for services rendered in Puerto Rico.

(iii) Influencers must have banking information on file to receive the transaction fee.

(iv) In case of returns, transaction fees will be reverted.

(v) CLIXPIN may change its fees from time to time by posting the changes on the CLIXPIN site fourteen (14) days in advance.

As an Influencer, you are required to comply with the Federal Trade Commission’s Rules for Disclosure of Material Connections, which you may find at: https://www.ftc.gov/system/files/documents/plain-language/1001a-influencer-guide-508_1.pdf

Here is a summary of what you must comply with:

(i) Disclose when you have any financial, employment, personal, or family relationship with a brand.

(ii) The disclosure must be clear and obvious. You can use hashtags such as #sponsored, #paid, or #ad.

(iii) Use simple language that can be easily understood.

(iv) The disclosure must appear prominently in the post.

(v) Speak truthfully about the products advertised. You cannot promote something you haven’t tried.

CLIXPIN reserves the right to, at its sole discretion, immediately suspend, disable, or terminate an account that does not comply with its Policies, in accordance with the Terms of Use and this Policy. When appropriate and permitted by law, CLIXPIN will communicate information to the affected Influencer about the issue.

CLIXPIN may make changes to onboarding or authentication processes for Influencers at our sole discretion. Completion of these processes may be required for seller account activation or continued access and usage.